I have opened my heart and mind to the power of God's love, and I dare
to call God my Father. I love God with
all my mind, all my heart, and all my strength. There is no
ambivalence in my relationship with God.

When I jump into God's ocean of love, my life is never the same. I am
born spiritually and become a new person. Old things pass away and all
tings become new. I look at the world through new eyes and listen with
new ears. I think new thoughts, take new actions, and have a new life.
God's love changes the way I think and feel. His love washes the toxic
waste out of my mind and gives me a clean mind and a pure heart. My old
way of thinking and feeling is gone. My mistakes and failures are cast
into God's ocean of love. For the first time in my life, I dare to
call God my Father and live as one of his children. God's love heals my
damaged emotions, and my negative feelings and guilt are washed away in
a tidal wave of love.
Each day I jump into God's ocean of love and have a life transforming
experience. Dabbling in it will never do. This isn't something that I
do just once and the positive effects last for a lifetime. I do it
every day for the rest of my life. For as long as I live, I will max
out on God's love.

I live in a world created and sustained
by love. The Creator of the universe surrounds me and fills my heart
with love. The presence and power of God in my life is love.
God’s love is unconditional; there is nothing I can do or must do to
earn it. It’s an eternal fact that sustains the world. It forms the
foundation for my self-esteem, and his love makes me worthy. When my
heart is full of God’s love, it’s full of his presence and power. It’s
impossible to have unconditional love in my heart without God putting it
there. Unconditional love isn’t in my chromosomes. Only God can
breathe it into my life.

God is the God of the
possible. Impossible is not found in his vocabulary, and
impossibility doesn't exist in his universe. Everything is
possible when I think the way that God thinks.

Romans 8:37-39 states: “In all these things we are more than conquerors
through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor
life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor
any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation
will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our
Lord.” This scripture states the facts of love in an unequivocal way.
There is nothing in the entire universe that can separate me from God’s
love. God is my Father, and his love floods my heart and mind and makes
me whole. There is no limit to how good my life can become when my
heart is full of God’s love.

God's plan for my life is
simple. He will take all my choices, mistakes, and failures, and
turn them into something good. My mistakes and failures are the
launching pad for God's master plan.

God loves me and accepts me the way I
am, but He loves me too much to let me stay that way. That is my
ultimate reason for hope. God is on my side. He wants to fill my heart
with his love, banish my limitations, and wash away the plague of
negative thoughts from my mind. God’s love carries away my burden of
guilt. His love not only wipes the slate clean, it also throws the
slate away. God has a plan for my life that is better than anything I
can imagine. There is no limit to how good my life can become when I
max out on the power of his love.

must see myself through God’s eyes and learn the facts of love.
God’s love never falters or fails. It will never stop pursuing me until
the day I die. No matter what I do, I cannot escape it. I can ignore
it or reject it, but it will not go away. God’s love surrounds and
envelops me. It continually reminds me that I can be one of his
children. I will either sink or swim in his ocean of love.

I need to think the way
that God thinks. I need to get in agreement with God. I need
to think abundance. I need to think possibility. I need to
think forgiveness for myself and others. I need to think freedom
from my past. I need to think release from my addictions. I
need to think recovery from my sicknesses. I need to think about
God's favor and love. I need to think the way God thinks.

God's love is real power.
His love not only points me in the right direction; it also gives me the
power to make the trip. There is no limit to how good my life can
become when the power of God's love rolls through my heart and mind.

Visit the
Thinking Bookstore and start filling your mind with positive
things. If you really want to have a
positive mind, nobody can stop you.