Sastrugi Happens: What to
do when sastrugi happens in your life.
Guilt - Hazardous Substance - Handle
With Care: What to do when guilt tries to take over your
Positive Action Is The Only
Appropriate Response To A Negative Thought: What to do
when negative thoughts begin their assault
No Matter How Negative Your Life Is,
Positive Thinking Always Makes It Better: How to deal with
negative events in your life.
Turn Bad Things Into Better Things:
What to do when bad things happen.
Affirmations For The Inner Skeptic:
Affirmations do more than change the way you think; they also change
the way you feel.
Maximum Strength Positive Thinking:
What to say when your mind talks to you. What to say when you
talk to your mind.
How To Create Positive Self-Talk:
If you have a plan, a purpose, and a dream, you have everything you
need to write powerful self-talk.
Strong-Arm Your Mind: How
to take control of your mind and push your thoughts in a positive
Real Power: How to have
real power over negative thinking and win the battle against
The Most Powerful Force In The
Universe Is God's Love: God's love not only points you in
the right direction, it also gives you the power to make the trip.
How To Create A Positive Brain Part I:
You are responsible for the chemistry of your brain. When you
choose your thoughts, you choose your brain chemistry. When
you change your thoughts, you change your brain chemistry. You
are not the victim of your chemistry. You are its creator.
How To Create A Positive Brain Part
II: Learn the rest of the story. You have the power
to push your brain chemistry in a positive direction.
Mirrors Of Your Mind: Check
out the mirrors of your mind.
Cognitive Distortions I:
All or nothing thinking, overgeneralization, and mental filter.
Cognitive Distortions II:
Disqualifying the positive, jumping to conclusions, magnification,
and emotional reasoning.
Cognitive Distortions III:
Should, Ought, Must, Labeling and Mislabeling, Personalization, and
God's mirror of love.
How To Recognize Your Twisted
Thinking: The first step in dealing with cognitive
distortions is learning how to recognize your twisted thinking and
calling it out by name.
How To Reject Your Twisted Thinking:
How to say good-bye to your twisted thinking.
A Positive Operating System:
Positive thinking is the natural software for your mind.
Twelve Characteristics Of A Positive
Operating System: Find out what it means to have a
positive operating system up and running in your mind.
How To Install A Positive Operating
System I: What you talk about expands into your mind.
What you write about expands into your mind.
How To Install A Positive Operating
System II: What you read expands into your mind.
What you look at expands into your mind. What you listen to
expands into your mind.
How To Do A Mind Transplant:
Say good-bye to mental toxic waste.
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When Dr. Dave isn't working as a Flying Doctor for the Indian Health
Service, He is sailing around the world on his sailboat.
Find out what it's like to sail
on the ocean of your dreams by watching Dr. Dave's DVD.